Client Love 💕

My word for 2021 was “Connection”💞
While I had never chosen a “word of the year“ before, I felt inspired to choose one after listening to Amy Tangerine's podcast.😃 (if you haven’t listen to it, I can’t recommend it highly enough!! The guest speakers that come on week after week are wonderful and the conversations that Amy has with them are fabulous!!🙌🏻)
As my Sound Healing business was growing, I thought this was the perfect word for me to focus on as I went new places and met new people throughout the year.😄

What an incredible year it was!

I met thousands of people through my Sound Healing ~ from online trainings & certifications, to in–person Sound Baths & partnering with several Yoga Teachers, to attending & participating in several special events, retreats & festivals. I had the very cool privilege of sharing my Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls with a classroom full of kiddos who meditate daily and then we shared it with the whole school. And last but certainly not least, I was even featured on a Special News Feature on Spectrum 1 News!💖

I feel so incredibly blessed for all of the connections I made last year! When I set out to start playing the bowls I had no idea what I was going to do but I knew that I wanted to help people and make a difference, and in 2021 I did exactly that!!💓

My heart is full of joy, love and so much gratitude!!💝
I can’t wait to continue to meet and connect with more people on this beautiful journey!!🥰

Below is some Client Love (aka feedback) from people who have attended 1 or more of my sessions, either privately 1:1 or in a public group setting.💌

If you’ve attended 1, or more, of my sessions and would like to share your feedback with me, I would absolutely love that!!
I invite you to click here and answer these 5 quick questions.
Thank you in advance for sharing your responses with me.💙


~ Laura


“Before the session I felt very tense and had a lot on my mind that I needed to clear. After I felt extremely relaxed and was able to go right to sleep for the first time in a few weeks. I thought the coolest part was that I had just gotten over an upper respiratory infection and I really felt the throat note working out the extra illness that was still inside me. I think everyone can benefit from a sound bath, it is amazing what we do and hold within our bodies that we don't even recognize.”
~ Melissa


“I've been having trouble focusing, relaxing, and feeling comfortable in my own skin. Attempts to meditate at home just weren't working. Even when I tried, I couldn't let thoughts go. This sound bath was a wonderful reset and recharge. As I relaxed into it, I was able to release distracting thoughts, and I enjoyed letting myself listen to the bowls, and follow the guided meditation. I left feeling clearer headed and feeling more relaxed than I have in a long time.”
~ Carol


“I felt so relaxed and at peace after my session. The environment and music added to the session in a very positive way, as well. I would recommend a session to anyone who is stressed, anxious, or in need of peace.”
~ Maria


“My experience was eye-opening. Not only did I learn all kinds of fascinating details about how the crystal bowls are fired, their frequencies and notes, their mineral contents and their uniqueness, but I also began to get an understanding of how the sounds coming from these beautiful bowls can impact my mind and body. The session was a symphony of sounds and sensations, from warmth to pressure, to vibrations and synesthesia where sounds became vivid colors in my mind. The guided meditation was also very revealing. Afterwards, I felt deeply relaxed and my mind kept going back to the swelling and swirling waves of sound that filled the room during the sound bath. It is definitely something that I would do again and want to learn more about.” ~V.H.


“Becky's bowls are an extension of her heart. She shares herself and her experiences of healing and growth through sound. You can literally feel the love through the vibrations she and her bowls create together.”
~ Kat

“I always feel better after a session ~ more relaxed & peaceful which often lasts into the next day. If you need help quieting your mind to focus on your own self-care then you have to try this.”
~ Melinda


“I was curious and just a very small bit anxious. After I was so relaxed and felt very at peace with myself. The highlight for me was at one point I felt somewhat like I was out of my body. My main takeaway was how at peace I felt afterwards. And as far as who would benefit i think anyone could benefit provided they open themselves to the experience.”
~ Tom


“It was very interesting! I definitely felt a much needed "shake up" in the days following. I slept like a baby! Would like to do another to see how I respond next time!”
~ Lisa


“I am in awe. The guided visualization journey I was brought on was so powerful. I met a higher version of myself and so much loving support was given. I felt so held and supported. I was shown my future of what I pray for…abundance in health, wealth and unconditional joy. I saw myself strong, confident and wise. I was sad when the guided journey was over…but THEN she went into playing the bowls and my visions returned immediately! I went back on ANOTHER journey with her while Becky magically crafted a sound bubble of pure love. It’s no wonder her name is “with a grateful heart” because I felt like I was receiving a huge heart chakra hug. My body was vibrating and twitching. I felt like I was floating on clouds in another dimension. I felt at PEACE. There is nothing more magical than to receive a personalized gift of energy healing. I am so grateful to Becky for this incredible experience. I am excited to have the replay to dive in again! Truly…thank you from every inch of my heart. Love you so much!!”
~ L.A.